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Our Services


Chiropractic care focuses on the nervous system. Dr. Jennifer uses gentle chiropractic adjustments including cranial work to release nervous system interference. Chiropractic adjustments allow the body's innate (inborn) intelligence to heal & recalibrate.

Applied Kinesiology

Dr. Jennifer utilises applied kinesiology (muscle testing) in her treatment protocols. Muscle testing is a wonderful tool to communicate with the body. It assists with diagnosing and treating a variety of health conditions. The principle behind the method is that the body can heal and function better if imbalances are identified and corrected, e.g. allergens, toxins, foods, hormonal disturbances and more.


Muscle testing is used to identify structural, chemical, and emotional imbalances and can be used to guide treatment decisions. 

BICOM® Bioresonance

BICOM® Bioresonance is a form of holistic diagnosis and therapy that involves using a device to measure the electromagnetic waves emitted by the body.


Each organ, tissue & cell in our body has a distinct frequency, which is made possible by the rotation of atoms within the cells. The therapy boosts the harmonious wavelengths & cancels out the disharmonious wavelengths that can affect our health & vitality.


By measuring the body's electromagnetic waves, bioresonance therapy can help identify areas of tension, inflammation, or other imbalances that may challenge a client's health and vitality.

BICOM® Bioresonance is used by over 7000 medical doctors and natural health practitioners in Germany alone. The therapy is now used in over 90 countries worldwide.

My Approach

Our Approach

Infinity Health & Wellness believes in a holistic approach to healthcare. We use an integrative methods to ensure that all the body's systems are working in harmony. Our techniques are designed to support the body's natural healing process and ensure optimal health. We believe that patient education and lifestyle changes are important components of achieving long-term health and wellbeing.

The adjustment of spinal misalignments is part of the process of balancing the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energies of the body. As a result of these imbalances, we may experience pain, sleep difficulties, mood swings, fatigue, and a lack of energy and vitality.

It is our aim to enable and facilitate each individual to achieve their optimal level of health and be the best version of themselves that they can be. To do this, we strive to provide the most comprehensive, personalised, and evidence-based health care services.

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